The barbell one-leg hip thrust is a very effective glute and hip flexor movement which develops muscle and strength in the lower posterior chain. Now, the hip thrust is mostly used for Glute development and is ideal for optimal isolation of this muscle group. But, it’s important to perform the exercise with good form to ensure proper training of the glutes.
A loaded barbell is ideal for training with maximum loads and so people often use a lot of weight with this movement. But, since training with one leg at a time, moderate loads are safest for your knees and hips. So, train safe and you’ll see the results.
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Gluteus Maximus
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Barbell, bench
- Difficulty: Beginner
Exercise Instructions
- Sit on the floor with your upper back against the bench.
- Roll the barbell over your legs until they reach your hip crease.
- Then, grip the barbell and lift your butt off of the floor so that your hips are holding up the barbell in a bridge. Your upper back should be on the bench to support you.
- Now, with your back on the bench, lower your hips and then thrust them upward but lift one leg up off the floor.
- Alternate between both legs for the desired amount of sets.
Variations & Tips:
- You want to thrust your hips upward while contracting your glutes to effectively stimulate the muscles.
- Always press through your heels to ensure you’re working the glutes most optimally.
- The barbell one-leg hip thrust is a great power movement for targeting the glute muscles but it also develops the hip flexors.
Watch: How to do the barbell one-leg hip thrust
Interested in measuring your progress? Check out our strength standards for Hip Thrust.