The incline straight-arm pull-down is a very effective exercise for building muscle and strength in the lats. It’s a great variation to the lat pull-down but the benefit of using cables is that they keep constant tension on the muscle throughout the exercise. Using a variety of exercise is also beneficial when training the lats because they are a large muscle group which requires a lot of stimulis from different angles.
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So, it’s highly recommended to include the incline straight-arm pull-down in your routine for maximum growth and strength development.
In This Exercise:
- Target Muscle Group: Latissimus Dorsi
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Cable machine, bench
- Difficulty: Beginner
Exercise Instructions
- Position a high incline bench so the back of it is facing a high cable pulley.
- Then, attach a bar grip to a high point on the cable machine.
- Now, grab the bar (Or have someone hand it to you) and lie down on the bench so your back is facing the machine.
- Keep your arms straight and pull the bar down as far as you can in a semicircular motion while contracting your lats. Exhale during this portion of the exercise.
- Then, slowly raise your arms back up until they are straight above your head until you feel a slight stretch in your lats. Inhale during this portion of the exercise.
- Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Variations & Tips:
- Keep your arms straight to really activate the lats during the movement.
- Have someone hand the bar to you if possible.
- Do not train so heavy that you compromise good form during the exercise.
- The incline straight-arm pull-down works the lats which are a large muscle of the back.