The standing cable rear delt row with rope is a very effective and functional exercise for building muscle and strength in the posterior deltoids. Now, this is a simple movement that anyone at any level of training can do safely and effectively. And by using cables, you’re keeping tension on the rear delts which is very beneficial for maximizing muscle hypertrophy.
But ropes are a great tool for training because they allow a little more freedom of movement which also helps to develop stabilizer muscles. So, this exercise is highly recommended if you’re looking to get the most out of your shoulder workouts.
In This Exercise
- Target Muscle Group: Posterior Deltoids
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Compound
- Equipment: Cable machine, rope attachment
- Difficulty: Beginner
Exercise Instructions
- Attach a double-grip rope to a cable pulley about mid-chest level.
- Then, stand a few feet away from the cable pulley with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
- Grab both rope handles firmly and pull it toward your mid-chest while flaring your elbows out to the sides. Pull the handles outward to stimulate the rear delts. Exhale during this portion of the exercise.
- Slowly straighten your arms by extending them forward. Inhale during this portion of the exercise.
- Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Variations & Tips:
- Attach the rope about mid-chest level so that it’s even with your shoulders.
- Pull the rope outward during the positive portion of the rep so your elbows are flared out which will really stimulate the rear deltoids.
- Retract your shoulder blades to keep your rear delts engaged during the exercise.
- The standing cable rear delt row with rope targets the rear deltoids primarily but it also works the rhomboids (Upper back) and traps as secondary muscles which are activated during the exercise.