Do you want to try Hafthor Bjornsson Diet? Do you want to be big and strong? Do you want to be 400lbs of sheer walking terror? Well, here’s what it takes to be that.
By now you know who Hafthor Bjornsson is, and why he’s famous. So let’s not waste time on covering that. The Mountain, recently started using YouTube more frequently and one of his new videos covers an ever popular and fascinating topic; Strongman diet.
Watch the Hafthor’s diet in the following video
Meal #1:
His first meal is at about 8 am, when he eats a dozen bacon strip, 6 scrambled eggs and 1 bowl of oatmeal mixed with whey protein, various other seeds, berries and probably a small child that a local village sacrificed to keep Thor from getting angry.
Few interesting to note from the video about meal one. Thor has been eating eggs for breakfast every single day for the past 10 years. To him, eggs are the bareback basics. If he can’t find enough eggs in the supermarket he usually rampages through the aforementioned village.
After meal one, Thor downs a fist full of various vitamins and minerals and goes for a brisk stroll to help the digestion, get the blood flowing and, of course, to terrify the locals.
Meal #2:
The second meal is about around the lunchtime for Thor, so that means meat. Lots and lots of meat. Also, this meal will have a shit tonne of carbs! He will eat, around 200grams of rib-eye steak, 1 cup of rice, 1 tablespoon worth of butter a chicken broth, baby spinach and some veggies as a side dish.
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A certain pattern emerges here, as you might see. Despite me cracking jokes about him eating babies( or are they jokes?) his diet is super clean and balanced. Meat with rice and veggies, spinach…that’s the bare basics diet of anyone being serious about building muscle.
Sure, as a 200kg Strongman, he gets the benefit of eating more carbs and seasonings to pack the caloric punch but the base is nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking.
Meal #3
After showing off his new fancy Strongman gym where he will be preparing for all future Strongman events, it’s time for the third meal, which is basically leftovers from the second one. More, steak, more rice, or spinach and everything else.
To put things in normal humans perspective, Thor was being accompanied by his strength coach throughout this day of eating and by this point he’s showing signs of a mental struggle.
Since he is half the size of Thor and he was eating full-sized Thor meals. This is also where the video cuts as Thor shares his impressions on how well his coach actually did eating that amount of food.
I’m guessing a part two will be dropping tomorrow or in the next few days, but the overall point of the video.
Training really is the easy part. Eating up to 6 full meals daily is the hard part. That’s the thing that breaks you, that’s the part where you have to show who you are and what are you made off.
Do you have what it takes to eat up to several pounds worth food daily? Thor does, and that’s why he’s such a monster. Eating that much requires mental strength which many people don’t have.