Bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger enjoyed a highly successful run at the top during his days of competition. In a recent edition of The Daily Pump newsletter, Schwarzenegger shared the truth behind the 30-minute workout rule and discussed how to craft a workout routine for longevity.
Arnold Schwarzenegger set the gold standard for the Men’s Open division in the 1970s and 80s. He dominated the stages from 1970-1975, winning each Mr. Olympia contest before capturing the title again in 1980. He hung up his posing trunks with seven Sandow trophies under his belt. While on stage, Schwarzenegger battled it out with the likes of former three-time winner Frank Zane, former champion Samir Bannout, and Franco Columbu.
Following his athletic career, Schwarzenegger found a passion for acting. He applied the strong work ethic he developed as a bodybuilder to become a superstar in Hollywood with lead roles in several blockbuster projects.
He boasts an insane following of over 23.4 million on Instagram. The 75-year-old regularly uses the platform to encourage his fans to live a healthier lifestyle. Schwarzenegger also stressed that people can extend their lifespans by walking daily and consuming a high-protein diet.
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Schwarzenegger teamed up with social media fitness influencer Joey Swoll for a gym positivity movement earlier this month. Swoll is renowned for pushing back on toxic gym culture and received major praise from Schwarzenegger as of late. Schwarzenegger hinted at an extended partnership with Swoll to make sure gyms are a more welcoming place for everyone.
A few weeks ago, Schwarzenegger talked about the toughest competitors he faced in bodybuilding. He said three-time Olympia champion Sergio Oliva held that honor, along with Franco Columbu due to his consistency.
’The Austrian Oak’ shared some tips for those starting out in the gym. He stressed the importance of making exercise a part of your routine and keeping consistent momentum. A few days later, he followed up with a checklist for a healthy diet and gave his take on the best practices for recovery.
Arnold Schwarzenegger shares the truth behind the 30-minute rule
In a recent edition of The Daily Pump, Arnold Schwarzenegger shared the truth behind getting 30 mins of exercise every day. He suggested splitting up workouts for a total of 30 minutes if a 30-minute all-in-one session was not a possibility.
The 30-Minute Rule:
“The 30-Minute Rule When are 30 minutes, not 30 minutes?” he wrote. “Apparently, when it comes to exercise. Years ago, scientists discovered that 30 minutes of daily activity could improve longevity. But the assumption was always you needed to set aside 30 minutes for a workout. But then scientists asked the question: Is it 30 minutes total or 30 minutes consecutively?
If you like super short workouts, you’ll love what they found. Turns out, getting 30 minutes total per day — no three 10-minute walks, 30 consecutive minutes in the gym, or a mix-and-match method of adding up exercise throughout the day to hit 30 minutes total. We tend to stress details that don’t matter.
“As Arnold Schwarzenegger loves to say, “don’t think, just do it!” Movement is movement, so as long as you get your 30 minutes — in any way th matter how you split up the activity — will give you the health benefits you desire. That means you can doat works for your schedule and lifestyle — you’ll give yourself a better chance of living longer and providing your mind and body with endless benefits. Bulletproof Your Routine If you read the item above about 30 minutes of movement, you might think, “That’s great — but how do I make this happen?” Arnold talks about building routines and habits. And one of the best ways to turn any goal into a reality is to create a goal hierarchy.”
Schwarzenegger shared a bulletproof 30-minute rule
Next, ‘The Austrian Oak’ talked about a 30-minute rule he uses for developing workout routines.
There are three steps to creating a goal hierarchy that will turn a vision into action.
Step 1: Start with your “why” Establish a big-picture goal of what you want to accomplish and the reason behind it.
Step 2: Create intermediate goals that move you in the right direction This could be something like prioritizing sleep, eating better, making time to lift weights.
Step 3: Create specific action steps.
This is what helps you establish your routine. You want to create rules and boundaries that make it easy to follow and stay on track. This could be something such as cutting out all screentime after 8 pm, having one serving of protein at every meal, or blocking off three days per week to go to the gym. This works because multiple goals lower in the hierarchy can support your overarching goal.
So if you need to add 30 minutes of movement per day, you could do the following:
Step 1: I want to make sure I see my kids grow old; therefore I need to prioritize daily movement.
Step 2: Go for three, 10-minute walks per day.
Step 3: Put an alarm in my calendar to go for a 10-minute walk in my home, a 10-minute walk during my lunch break, and a 10-minute walk before I go to my bedroom. And to back it up, I’ll have my best friend check in every day for two weeks to keep me consistent and accountable.”
RELATED: How Strong Was Arnold Schwarzenegger?
After leading one of the most successful careers in bodybuilding, when the ‘Austrian Oak’ talks training, fans listen. So, Schwarzenegger offered some pointers for burning fat and building muscle to promote longevity recently.
My name is Edward Lynch I have 3 stage kidney disease im 64 I have been powerlifting for 40 years have won Two championships in my 20s .I started lifting weights in the seventies when I saw pumping iron lifting weights kept me off drugs and alcohol no the straight and narrow.I was very saddened when I found out that MR Columbo died felt like I lost a friend followed his work outs for years he made me strong . He gave hope to the the short man .God bless him from