The decline skull crusher is a tricep extension variation which works all three heads of the tricep. It’s very effective for packing on lots of size and gaining strength which is why it’s one of the best tricep exercises overall. Now, anyone can perform this exercise as long as the elbows are properly warmed up, and this is important to keep the stress of the elbows and on the triceps.
If you’re looking for a simple movement to incorporate into your tricep routine then the decline skull crusher should be a staple exercise.
Using a decline bench allows more tension during the exercise and that’s why it’s so effective for making gains!
In this Exercise
- Target Muscle Group: Triceps Brachii
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Barbell, bench
- Difficulty: Beginner
Exercise Instructions
- Lie on a decline bench while holding a barbell straight up in the air directly above chin level. Use a pronated shoulder-width grip.
- Keep your elbows tucked in while keeping your upper arms still, then slowly lower the barbell to your forehead while exhaling.
- Now, use your triceps to power the weight back up until your arms are almost straight but don’t lock out your elbows at the top. Inhale during this portion of the exercise.
- Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Variations & Tips
- You can also perform the skull crusher on a flat or incline bench (Check the video for reference)
- Use an E-Z curl bar to lessen the stress on your wrists during the exercise.
- Make sure you lower the weight to your forehead for optimal effectiveness.
- Never lock your elbows out at the top.
- Warm up thoroughly to protect the elbows and feel the contractions in the triceps.
- The skull crusher works all three triceps heads (Long, medial, and lateral).