Bodybuilding legend Lee Haney crafted a flawlessly built physique by paying extra attention to exercise selection. On February 11, 2025, he advised lifters to stop wasting their time with decline presses and to instead incorporate dips for the best lower pec development.
Lee Haney‘s training wisdom is backed up by years of competing against the greatest in the IFBB Pro League. In the 1980s, he managed to string together one of—if not the most impressive dynasties ever established in the Men’s Open class. He earned eight consecutive Mr. Olympia titles, which has only been matched by ‘The King’ Ronnie Coleman.
Haney approached bodybuilding like a sculptor, steadily carving his physique into a work of art. While he’s long stepped away from competing, his influence on the next generation of athletes is still felt today. Chest development is an absolutely essential component in putting together an Olympia-worthy physique, prompting Haney to offer some tightly kept secrets about how to develop the pecs.
Lee Haney: Don’t Waste Your Time With ‘Goofy’ Decline Presses, Calls Dips Ultimate Exercise for Lower Pecs
In a recent Instagram post, Haney urged anyone listening to avoid decline presses for lower pec development. Instead, he advocated for dips alongside IFBB Pro Barry Erving.
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“Don’t waste time@with decline presses. The best pecs in the industry ALWAYS use DIPS for lower pec development. Hanging with IFBB Pro Barry “Sporty” Erving👌🏾” shares Lee Haney.
He described decline presses as goofy and believes they should be reserved for amateurs only.
“Here’s the deal: forget about those goofy nowhere-going no muscle-building declines. That’s for y’all amateurs.”
Interestingly, Haney’s advice goes against the decorated bodybuilding coach Charles Glass’ chest-building methods. Glass has helped shape and guide many top-caliber IFBB Pros to success, including Flex Wheeler, Dexter Jackson, Brandon Curry, Kai Greene, and the late Shawn Rhoden.
He believes the decline press is the only exercise needed to build an impressive chest. Regardless of whether you’re aiming to build the upper, mid, or lower pecs, Glass contends that decline presses are the ultimate exercise for getting the job done.
As arguably the most successful and dominant Mr. Olympia to ever compete, Lee Haney’s knowledge of exercise mechanics and selections is second to none. He believes decline presses aren’t worth the time and underlined that dips are the superior option when it comes to maximizing chest development.
Do you agree with Lee Haney’s take on decline presses and dips? Let us know in the comment section!
RELATED: Lee Haney: Open Athletes Are ’60-Lbs Overweight Traumatizing Themselves with Terrible Diets’
Dips are the best way to destroy your shoulders and elbows.