Well, what else can there be said about Larry Wheels… he’s a freak of nature who has achieved a 900+lb deadlift and a 900lb squat to match, in addition to an almost 700lb bench press. But if you’ve seen a few of our posts about the Phenom then you’d know he’s no stranger to performing unconventional feats of strength every now and then, one of which was when he pressed two, 245lb barbells.

Well, he recently posted a video on Instagram where he curled two ‘humanbells’ who weighed about 70kg/154lbs each which is rather entertaining and a bit crazy but leave it up to Larry Wheels to pull it off.
He also wrote the following to accompany the video, “70kg humanbell curls”.
Check it out below…
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We’re almost positive there’ll be many more of these unique feats of strength from the big man but to satisfy your itch for watching Larry Wheels do something crazy, then watch him bend a metal bar inside of a guy’s mouth in front of a large crowd which he did recently.
But we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop regarding his training and competition.