Earlier today, William Bonac fired his coach, Neil Hill. However, it did not take long for Hill to respond, with a video of his own.
Bonac made quite the splash, with his video firing his coach, Hill. Additionally, in the video, he calls out Hill for taking too big of a cut of Bonac’s earnings. Subsequently, he encouraged other athletes to not fall into the trap that he fell into.

Shortly after this, Neil Hill made a response of his own. Hill was very calm and professional in his response, rebuking Bonac’s accusations. He took his time and chose his words carefully, in the 35-minute video. Hill explained his first time working with Bonac, speaking highly of him. However, he did explain that there were a few occasions where Bonac worked with Hill for free.
“I said to him ‘Look I’ll do the same with you William. So If you feel better this is what I’ll do. I’ll look to see if I can find you a sponsor, and instead of you directly paying me, then what I’ll do is I will actually take a fee of what you get from your sponsor.'”
Hill proceeded to explain the process of getting a sponsor for Bonac, seeing the potential of the future Arnold Classic Champion.
“So what I said to William, ‘Okay look this is what I’ll do with you William. I will take 20% of your prize money, and I will take 20% of your bonuses.’ Which is actually very, very, very similar to a lot of coaches do in the industry.”
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Hill said that Bonac was “extremely happy” with this arrangement.
He said that William was “naive” on issues of sponsorship. Hill continued on, discussing putting time into Bonac, and not getting paid, at that time. Additionally, he discussed what he felt was Bonac’s early potential, but mid-level talent. Subsequently, Hill went on to shut down the idea of trashing Bonac.
“As far as William is concerned, there are a lot of things that I could talk about William privately. But I really don’t think it’s actually the place to talk about these things privately, because a number of things that I could talk about very openly, about William, to be honest with you, would bring what I feel is a very, very negative light on him, in multiple different areas of his past and present.
But I’m not going to do that, because I don’t think that this is a place to air certain things. Ultimately, William knows what those things are, and they’re things which I think are pretty negative.
So for myself, I don’t have an issue, that William’s made a post. My feelings are, if you’re actually going to say something, say something with truth and meaning, and not actually say things which are not true.
Neil Hill further went on to deny Bonac’s claim that he took 40% of the winnings. Additionally, he brought up the point that any charges were tax-deductible. Hill continues on in the video, explaining that he felt that he never asked Bonac for money and that Bonac was forthcoming with it. He also expressed disdain for the way William Bonac handled a lot of situations.
Subsequently, Neil Hill broke down the rest of the claims made by Bonac. Check out the whole video below, to get a full sense of the reaction from the coach.