Samson Dauda is embracing changes to his preparations for the nearing 2024 Arnold Classic UK bodybuilding show. In a recent YouTube video, Dauda updated fans on his progress and discussed why he split up with his coach Milos Sarcev.
For over two years, Samson Dauda and Milos Sarcev have worked in tandem to bring their absolute best package to the stage. In 2023, Dauda shocked the world after turning in a third-place performance behind Hadi Choopan and champion Derek Lunsford at the Mr. Olympia. Fueled with momentum, Dauda extended his season, having laid claim to dominant victories at the 2023 Romania Muscle Fest Pro and EVLS Prague Pro. Dauda remained active this year and recently competed at the 2024 Arnold Classic in hopes of defending his title. However, his bursting fullness and added size weren’t enough to stop former Mr. Olympia Hadi Choopan from exacting redemption following his runner-up showing to Lunsford last November.
Despite health issues nearly forcing him out of the 2024 Arnold Classic UK event, Dauda recovered quickly. While he parted ways with his longtime coach Sarcev, he understands that dryer conditioning will be key to his future success in the Open class.
Samson Dauda Explains Why He Left Milos Sarcev, Opens Up On Prep for 2024 Arnold Classic UK Show
Dauda admits his prep for the Arnold UK has left him exhausted, hungry, and tired.
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“Exhausted, tired, hungry, all of the above,” said Samson Dauda. “That’s prepping.”
According to Dauda, it was time for ‘new input’ but credited Sarcev for helping him reach the upper echelon of the Open class.
“Nothing really happened man, I’ve been working with Milos for two and a half years. He got me to where I am right now. I have a lot of respect and pride for him. Thank you so much man, we have come a long way together and you pushed me to this level and I’m really prideful for it. Me and Milos, we have a personal relationship man, it’s not just a coach and athlete relationship, there is more to it than that.”
“It’s not a light decision. It’s not a light decision, okay, you know what, that took a lot out of me to even come to that decision. I was speaking to him about it, we are at a point now where no matter how much we bring, they want just a bit more.”
“We’ve done how many shows frequently back to back now. And for what they are asking for, we haven’t just quite nailed it yet. So, it’s like okay, you know what, we have to be open-minded to the idea okay, we need a new input to it. Now, it’s a different thing if I get a different coach and say hey give me your thoughts, but it doesn’t work that way,” said Samson Dauda.
With size no longer his top priority, Dauda intends to improve his detail and conditioning levels.
“This is at a point where it’s like we have to sort of see if we can find another method and try something that will actually work for me. I don’t need to put on size anymore. Milos has done that with me. In terms of bringing that fine minute details and that last bit to the stage, we need someone that is going to be more expert on that. He taught me how to put on size year after year, how to grow very fast in a short amount of time. I have nothing but thanks to give him for that.”
He adds that bringing Olympia-winning conditioning required this change to happen:
“Now, in terms of bringing in that nailing Olympia-winning conditioning, you’re going to need somebody else to input that, someone else to bring an eye to that. I think we both understood that. Yeah, it’s time for that kind of change to happen,” explains Samson Dauda.
Dauda revealed that he hasn’t sought out a new coach and will now be guided by his wife, Marlena, who has helped him with preps in the past.
“I put it this way, you break up with a girlfriend and have another one lined up, it doesn’t work that way. There’s emotional parts involved in it. It’s very silly and it’s a stupid way of thinking.”
“It’s a big enough decision, the last thing you’re going to throw in the mix of that is okay, now I need another coach. I need to go find another one to jump in the next few days. No. It doesn’t happen.”
He also shared that Marlena helped him prep for the Romania and Prague shows last year.
“We did the Olympia together. Milos was there, hands on the ground. He did the Olympia with me last year. When we came back home, we decided to do Romania and Prague. Milos was still in the US. There’s something to be said, there is only so much you can pick up from videos and stuff like that, especially when it’s close like peak week.”
“Mel has been with me the whole time. People that know my history know that Mel was the one who not even coached me but literally brought me into the sport and she worked with me through my whole amateur. She coached me through all of that, she turned me into a Pro.”
In light of Samson Dauda’s loss to Choopan at the Arnold Classic Ohio, talks have circulated about his future in the sport. Judge Terrick El Guindy and Chris Cormier recently offered him tips, underlining that he represents hope for British bodybuilding.
The 2024 Arnold Classic UK bodybuilding show will take place from March 15-17 in Birmingham, England. Fans look forward to seeing if Dauda can present improved conditioning in his rematch against Hadi Choopan.
Watch the full video from the Fouad Abiad Media YouTube channel below: