Hip Extension Strength Standards for Men and Women

Discover how your Hip Extension performance compares to others and set new strength goals. Use our calculator to find your level and get personalized improvement tips.

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Hip Extension Rep Standards

Compare your Hip Extension performance to these reps standards and see where you stand.

Beginner< 1

Hip Extension Standards by Bodyweight

Find the Hip Extension strength standards for your specific body weight.
110 lbs< 112356599
120 lbs< 113366597
130 lbs< 114376495
140 lbs< 115376493
150 lbs< 116376391
160 lbs< 116376289
170 lbs< 117376187
180 lbs< 117376085
190 lbs117365983
200 lbs217365882
210 lbs217365780
220 lbs318355678
230 lbs317355576
240 lbs317345475
250 lbs317345373
260 lbs317335272
270 lbs317335170
280 lbs417325069
290 lbs417324968
300 lbs416314866
310 lbs416314765
90 lbs< 18285382
100 lbs< 110295381
110 lbs< 111305379
120 lbs< 112305277
130 lbs< 112305275
140 lbs< 113305173
150 lbs< 113305071
160 lbs< 113304969
170 lbs< 113294868
180 lbs< 113294766
190 lbs< 113284664
200 lbs< 113284563
210 lbs113274461
220 lbs113274360
230 lbs113264258
240 lbs113264157
250 lbs113254055
260 lbs112253954

Hip Extension Standards by Age

Discover how Hip Extension strength standards vary across different age groups.
15< 19275076
20< 114356291
25< 115376494
30< 115376494
35< 115376494
40< 115376494
45< 113345988
50< 111305481
55< 18264873
60< 16214164
65< 1< 1163555
70< 1< 1122847
75< 1< 192239
80< 1< 151732
85< 1< 1< 11226
90< 1< 1< 11020
15< 16224264
20< 110295177
25< 111305480
30< 111305480
35< 111305480
40< 111305480
45< 110274974
50< 18244568
55< 15203961
60< 1< 1163353
65< 1< 1122845
70< 1< 192238
75< 1< 151731
80< 1< 1< 11225
85< 1< 1< 1919
90< 1< 1< 1615

Hip Extension Overview

Hip Extensions target the glutes and hamstrings, enhancing lower body strength and stability through a controlled, backward leg movement.

Muscles Worked

Equipment Needed


How To Perform the Hip Extension

  1. Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  2. Engage your core and keep your back flat.
  3. Slowly lift one leg straight back and up, keeping the knee slightly bent and foot flexed.
  4. Raise your leg until it's in line with your body, ensuring your hips remain squared to the ground.
  5. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
  6. Lower your leg back to the starting position in a controlled manner.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of reps before switching to the other leg.

Want to perfect your form? Check out our detailed guide on Hip Extension for proper technique and tips.

Pro Tips for Hip Extension

  • Keep your core engaged to prevent your lower back from arching.
  • Move slowly and control the movement to maximize muscle activation.
  • Ensure your hips stay level and don't rotate during the lift.
  • For added difficulty, you can use ankle weights or resistance bands.

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Ready to Improve Your Hip Extension?

Use our strength calculator above to find your current level, then follow our tips to boost your performance! Calculate Your Strength Now