Reverse Lunge Strength Standards for Men and Women

Discover how your Reverse Lunge performance compares to others and set new strength goals. Use our calculator to find your level and get personalized improvement tips.

Calculate Your Reverse Lunge Strength Level

Calculate Your Reverse Lunge Strength

Reverse Lunge Rep Standards

Compare your Reverse Lunge performance to these reps standards and see where you stand.

Beginner< 1

Reverse Lunge Standards by Bodyweight

Find the Reverse Lunge strength standards for your specific body weight.
110 lbs< 1103977121
120 lbs< 1103875116
130 lbs< 1113872112
140 lbs< 1113770108
150 lbs< 1113768104
160 lbs< 1123666101
170 lbs< 112356598
180 lbs< 112356394
190 lbs< 112346192
200 lbs< 111335989
210 lbs< 111325886
220 lbs< 111325684
230 lbs< 111315581
240 lbs< 111305379
250 lbs< 111295277
260 lbs< 111295175
270 lbs< 110285073
280 lbs< 110274871
290 lbs< 110274770
300 lbs< 110264668
310 lbs< 110254566
90 lbs< 1< 1103155
100 lbs< 1< 1102951
110 lbs< 1< 192748
120 lbs< 1< 182545
130 lbs< 1< 182342
140 lbs< 1< 172240
150 lbs< 1< 172037
160 lbs< 1< 161935
170 lbs< 1< 151833
180 lbs< 1< 151732
190 lbs< 1< 141630
200 lbs< 1< 131528
210 lbs< 1< 131427
220 lbs< 1< 121325
230 lbs< 1< 1< 11224
240 lbs< 1< 1< 11123
250 lbs< 1< 1< 11122
260 lbs< 1< 1< 11021

Reverse Lunge Standards by Age

Discover how Reverse Lunge strength standards vary across different age groups.
15< 16265281
20< 110346397
25< 1113565100
30< 1113565100
35< 1113565100
40< 1113565100
45< 110326193
50< 18285586
55< 15244977
60< 12194268
65< 1< 1153559
70< 1< 1112950
75< 1< 172341
80< 1< 141734
85< 1< 1< 11328
90< 1< 1< 1922
15< 1< 121532
20< 1< 172240
25< 1< 172342
30< 1< 172342
35< 1< 172342
40< 1< 172342
45< 1< 162039
50< 1< 141734
55< 1< 1< 11430
60< 1< 1< 11125
65< 1< 1< 1819
70< 1< 1< 1415
75< 1< 1< 1< 110
80< 1< 1< 1< 17
85< 1< 1< 1< 13
90< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1

Reverse Lunge Overview

The Reverse Lunge is a lower body exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and quads by stepping backward into a lunge, promoting balance and coordination.

Muscles Worked

Equipment Needed


How To Perform the Reverse Lunge

  1. Start standing with feet hip-width apart, hands on your hips or at your sides.
  2. Step back with your right foot, lowering your body until your right knee is nearly touching the ground and your left thigh is parallel to the floor.
  3. Ensure your front knee is aligned over your ankle, not extending past your toes.
  4. Push through your left heel to return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat on the other side, stepping back with your left foot.
  6. Maintain an upright torso throughout the movement.
  7. Inhale as you step back and lower your body, exhale as you push back up.

Want to perfect your form? Check out our detailed guide on Reverse Lunge for proper technique and tips.

Pro Tips for Reverse Lunge

  • Keep your torso upright to avoid placing excessive strain on your lower back.
  • Ensure your front knee does not extend past your toes to protect your knee joints.
  • Use a controlled movement to maintain balance and avoid injury.
  • For added difficulty, hold dumbbells at your sides.

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Ready to Improve Your Reverse Lunge?

Use our strength calculator above to find your current level, then follow our tips to boost your performance! Calculate Your Strength Now