Giants Live has announced exciting news regarding one of their competitions later this year. This event is called 2023 World’s Strongest Nation, and it will be held in Liverpool, England on November 18th, 2023. This competition will feature two nations, “Team UK” and “Team USA”. However, someone has to be there to lead the teams, which is why Eddie Hall and Martins Licis will be captains of their own teams.
This will be the second edition of the 2023 World’s Strongest Nation contest, as the same two countries battled in 2022 as well. In addition, both Eddie Hall and Martins Licis were also the captains of Team UK and Team USA last year as well. However, the original captain for Team USA was supposed to be Robert Oberst, but he withdrew for unknown reasons and Licis took over the role.
Eddie Hall and Martins Licis now have some time to analyze and think about who the members of their teams will be. Both men will choose four men and four women who will compete for the glory of their nation.
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During last year’s clash between Teams UK and USA we got to see some exciting events and mind-blowing feats of strength. The most notable one came from Gabi Dixson who put up an incredible performance during the Hercules Hold event. Gabi managed to outperform the majority of athletes in this event, including both men and women. The only athlete she could not beat was the legendary Mark Felix, who held the pillars 20 seconds longer than her. However, she still beat the likes of Martins Licis, Kevin Faires, and Gavin Bilton.
The 2022 World’s Strongest Nation competition ended with Team UK outperforming Team USA. Accordingly, it is reasonable to expect that Team USA will make additional roster changes this year. However, the full lineups will also be revealed soon enough.
Eddie Hall and Martins Licis have both shown their great abilities as leaders, but that is mostly due to their incredible careers. Both men have been crowned as the World’s Strongest Man, Hall in 2016 and Licis in 2019.
Eddie Hall was also the first man to deadlift 500 kilograms (1,102.3 pounds), but the record was later broken by Hafthor Bjornsson. A few years later, the resentment between Hall and Bjornsson grew and they arranged a boxing match. Hall lost on a decision from the judges and began a new chapter in his life. He is now preparing for his bodybuilding debut which is scheduled to take place in late 2024.
On the other hand, Martins Licis is still a very active Strongman athlete who has won eight major competitions during his career, including one in 2022. He came out victorious in the 2022 Arnold Strongman Classic, and took part in some more competitions during the year. However, once the 2022 season concluded, Martins decided to temporarily stop competing. He stated that he won’t take part in any competitions in 2023, but he was still lured by the captain’s role in the 2023 World’s Strongest Nation competition.
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After witnessing the impressive inaugural edition of the World’s Strongest Nation competition, it is safe to say that this year’s event will be equally thrilling and captivating. Eddie Hall and Martins Licis have also proven to be great captains and showmen. So, they will make sure to make their duel as entertaining as possible.