Bombshell Linda Durbesson is a former tennis Junior Pro with a Master’s Degree in Personal Training. Today, she is on a mission to use her social media presence with the LDFIT Army to empower women all over the world to feel as good as she does.
But how did she get here?

Linda Durbesson
French Fitness model, personal trainer, fitness icon
Full Name: Linda Durbesson | ||
Weight | Height | Age |
145 – 155 lbs (65. 8 to 70.3 kgs) |
5’5″ (165 cm) | 45 years |
Date of Birth | Era | Nationality |
December 20, 1979 | 2000, 2020 | French |
Early Life
Linda Durbesson was born in Carpentras, France, and had a passion for fitness from a very early age. She was five-years-old when she took up dance and sports. Modern jazz and classical ballet were her dance genres of choice. But she preferred acrobatic dance over anything else. She also took tennis, biking, and even martial arts, and competed in sport when she could.
She says her competitive career began when she was in high school. She competed in both tennis and mountain bike racing. She wasn’t the girl who stayed home and played with dolls.
As a young girl, these sports in the culture-rich nation of France would form Linda Durbesson into a well-rounded and worldly young lady who would one day have the life mission to empower women all over the globe.
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Her worldliness began at a young age and experiencing other cultures was one of her favorite things to do. It still is. By 2010, at the age of 31, she decided to come to America to live in Florida with a boyfriend.
The move lasted, but the relationship didn’t, and she began to pursue the American dream on her own. Still, though, Linda Durbesson was learning a new language and felt more isolated than she had in any other time in her life. Her friends and family were in Europe, and she began to suffer anxiety and depression that she had not experienced since her early twenties.
So Linda Durbesson turned to the one thing that had never failed her – physical activity. She would turn this love into an American dream coming true. Today she wants no woman in America to feel this anxiety and depression. At 31, Linda Durbesson began to stack up the credentials necessary to make this dream come alive.
When she was 31, Linda Durbesson pursued her Master’s Degree in Personal Training and began turning fitness activity into a living, and a lifestyle. She began to bounce back with a smile that she had missed for so long.
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Competition and Career
You don’t get through life as a Junior Pro in Tennis without understanding a little bit about how to be competitive to achieve your own individualized goals. What Linda learned there she took to college to begin a new life of competing against herself to continue reaching those dreams.
While Linda Durbesson was in college in France, she began to study nutrition and bodybuilding diets, to learn how she could use that to improve her own fitness goals and the goals of others. Linda began developing training plans and learning how to do so for all walks of life. In the gym, Linda Durbesson would hit the weights and cardo machines in an effort to sculpt her own physique.
Clearly, she knew what she was doing there.
Within four years, at the age of 35, Linda Durbesson had a degree behind her, and a beautiful figure to boot. By the age of 37, Linda Durbesson had developed a social media following that she could both inspire and market to. She also began to get approached for modeling, a career that often finishes at 37, rather than just beginning as it did for Linda Durbesson.
Today, at 41, she has made a life for herself and is constantly recognized for her efforts. Her fans and followers are in constant support of her, and Linda Durbesson is known as someone that gives into the fitness community of America.
One way she does that is through her LDFIT program. This is the Linda Durbesson fitness model that is still active today. She calls it the LDFIT Army.
Her mission with this program is to empower women, and Linda Durbesson’s goal is to help 10 million women “feel comfortable in their skin and build the body of their dreams.”
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Linda Durbesson’s Training Regime
In Linda Durbesson’s LDFIT Army, she offers everything from one-off coaching sessions to those that run for 8, 12, or 16 weeks. These are structured programs tailored to the client’s needs.
For her own life, however, Linda Durbesson does not have a strictly formatted workout program but makes a point to train at least 6 days a week. Her legs are covered two to three times weekly, and her upper body is trained at least three times weekly.
Linda Durbesson’s method of training involves high reps of supersets, with approximately 15 to 20 reps in each set. She swims or runs on the treadmill for cardio from four to six times weekly.
A typical week of fitness for Linda Durbesson would look something like this:
• Monday: Legs
• Tuesday: Upper body plus cardio
• Wednesday: Legs
• Thursday: Upper body plus cardio
• Friday: Legs
• Saturday: Upper body plus cardio
• Sunday: Rest
Diet and Nutrition
Linda Durbesson follows the food protocols of most fitness gurus and personal trainers. She eats five times daily to ensure her metabolism stays high, and to maximize fat burning. Linda Durbesson’s diet is planned around lean protein, complex carbs, and she likes fruits and green vegetables.
Clean eating is another form of nutrition that Linda Durbesson likes. She will eat clean year-round, but allows one cheat meal weekly, out of her five meals daily. When Linda Durbesson cheats, it is usually with chocolate or candy.
This is what Linda Derbesson’s daily meal plans typically look like:
Meal One: 3 Egg whites and a whole egg, 1 ½ cup oatmeal, ¼ cup raspberries or kiwi
Meal Two: 4-5 oz turkey breast, spinach
Meal Three: 4 oz bison, asparagus, ½ sweet potato
Meal Four: 3 Egg whites and a whole egg, broccoli
Meal Five: 4-6 oz Tilapia, green beans
Personal Life and Health
What we can learn from Linda Durbesson is that motivation to succeed is the most critical factor in determining whether one does or not. This is a woman who came from a foreign country to America without even learning how to speak the language.
Today Linda Durbesson is a successful businesswoman who has defied many odds to become the elite personal trainer that she is today. Linda Durbesson has undergone nine orthopedic surgeries, immigration, and a great deal of anxiety and depression to get herself and her fans to where they are today.
She has been undergoing surgeries since she was a teenager and speaks about them on her webpage.
All was good. I was 16, in my ascendant level in tennis competition with ace services and forehand shot that were both passing 85 miles/hour (135km/h). People was envision my skills into a professional tennis career. During an important tournament, i felt on the ground, the pain was so intense i couldn’t walk and had to get into surgery immediately. My anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, with a part of the medial meniscus on my left knee were tore. Since I was still young, the doctors decided to try to staple ligaments and removed the torn meniscus cartilage. This led me straight up to another area of interest – the weight room – first for rehabilitation though.
Several surgeries later and she is crushing life.
She does not speak much of her personal relationships, her work stands on its own. She also speaks five languages with a French accent and says her fans are the biggest reason for her success. On her about page she says,
I want to thank all of my fans and my clients for all the love and support and happiness that you have given to me since day one. You give me my motivation each and every day in the gym and in my life. I sincerely hope that I can continue to motivate and inspire you to always strive to be your best, physically, mentally, morally, and ethically to be ready to achieve all professional and personal goals. I hope to open your eyes, and show people, that is normal to look different and to think different as long you are confident and happy with yourself. Confidence is the most beautiful and rewarding asset that anyone can possess.
On the Linda Durbesson website, fans can plan and track their own success, and even use some of her meal planning recipes.