Lying Leg Raise Strength Standards for Men and Women

Discover how your Lying Leg Raise performance compares to others and set new strength goals. Use our calculator to find your level and get personalized improvement tips.

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Lying Leg Raise Rep Standards

Compare your Lying Leg Raise performance to these reps standards and see where you stand.

Beginner< 1

Lying Leg Raise Standards by Bodyweight

Find the Lying Leg Raise strength standards for your specific body weight.
110 lbs< 143783139
120 lbs< 153781133
130 lbs< 173779129
140 lbs< 173677124
150 lbs< 183675120
160 lbs< 183673116
170 lbs< 193571112
180 lbs< 193569109
190 lbs< 193467106
200 lbs< 193366103
210 lbs< 193364100
220 lbs< 19326297
230 lbs< 19316195
240 lbs< 19315992
250 lbs< 19305890
260 lbs< 19305788
270 lbs< 19295585
280 lbs< 19285483
290 lbs< 18285381
300 lbs< 18275280
310 lbs< 18275178
90 lbs< 14255385
100 lbs< 16265383
110 lbs< 18275382
120 lbs< 19285280
130 lbs< 110285178
140 lbs< 110285176
150 lbs< 111285074
160 lbs< 111284972
170 lbs< 111284870
180 lbs< 111274768
190 lbs< 111274666
200 lbs< 111264565
210 lbs< 111264463
220 lbs< 111264361
230 lbs< 111254260
240 lbs< 111254159
250 lbs< 111244057
260 lbs< 111243956

Lying Leg Raise Standards by Age

Discover how Lying Leg Raise strength standards vary across different age groups.
15< 1< 1265997
20< 173471115
25< 183574119
30< 183574119
35< 183574119
40< 183574119
45< 163269111
50< 142963103
55< 1< 1245693
60< 1< 1204982
65< 1< 1154172
70< 1< 1113462
75< 1< 182852
80< 1< 142244
85< 1< 1< 11736
90< 1< 1< 11230
15< 13204165
20< 18275179
25< 19285382
30< 19285382
35< 19285382
40< 19285382
45< 17254976
50< 15224470
55< 1< 1183962
60< 1< 1143355
65< 1< 1112747
70< 1< 182239
75< 1< 141632
80< 1< 1< 11226
85< 1< 1< 1920
90< 1< 1< 1615

Lying Leg Raise Overview

A core-strengthening exercise where you lie flat on your back and raise your legs to engage the abdominal muscles, particularly the lower abs.

Muscles Worked

Equipment Needed


How To Perform the Lying Leg Raise

  1. Lie flat on your back on a mat with your legs extended and arms at your sides.
  2. Keep your lower back pressed into the mat and engage your core muscles.
  3. Slowly lift your legs up towards the ceiling while keeping them straight, stopping when they are perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Hold the position briefly, then slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position without letting them touch the floor.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  6. Breathing: Inhale as you lower your legs, and exhale as you raise them.

Want to perfect your form? Check out our detailed guide on Lying Leg Raise for proper technique and tips.

Pro Tips for Lying Leg Raise

  • Keep your lower back pressed into the mat to avoid strain.
  • Move slowly and with control to maximize muscle engagement.
  • Avoid swinging your legs to ensure your abs are doing the work.
  • If you find it difficult, start with bent knees and gradually progress to straight legs as your strength improves.

Lying Leg Raise Variations and Alternatives



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Ready to Improve Your Lying Leg Raise?

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