Russian Twist Strength Standards for Men and Women

Discover how your Russian Twist performance compares to others and set new strength goals. Use our calculator to find your level and get personalized improvement tips.

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Russian Twist Rep Standards

Compare your Russian Twist performance to these reps standards and see where you stand.

Beginner< 1

Russian Twist Standards by Bodyweight

Find the Russian Twist strength standards for your specific body weight.
110 lbs< 12563112168
120 lbs< 12359105158
130 lbs< 12256100149
140 lbs< 1215494141
150 lbs< 1205190134
160 lbs< 1194985127
170 lbs< 1184681121
180 lbs< 1174478116
190 lbs< 1164274111
200 lbs< 1154071106
210 lbs< 1153969102
220 lbs< 114376698
230 lbs< 113366395
240 lbs< 113346191
250 lbs< 112335988
260 lbs< 112325785
270 lbs< 111315582
280 lbs< 111295380
290 lbs< 110285177
300 lbs< 110275075
310 lbs< 19264873
90 lbs< 1174683125
100 lbs< 1174479118
110 lbs< 1164275111
120 lbs< 1164171105
130 lbs< 1153968100
140 lbs< 115376495
150 lbs< 114366291
160 lbs< 114345987
170 lbs< 113335783
180 lbs< 113315480
190 lbs< 112305276
200 lbs< 112295073
210 lbs< 112284871
220 lbs< 111274768
230 lbs< 111264566
240 lbs< 110254364
250 lbs< 110244261
260 lbs< 19234059

Russian Twist Standards by Age

Discover how Russian Twist strength standards vary across different age groups.
15< 1123769106
20< 1174683125
25< 1194886129
30< 1194886129
35< 1194886129
40< 1194886129
45< 1164580121
50< 1144074112
55< 1113566101
60< 19305890
65< 15245079
70< 1< 1194268
75< 1< 1143558
80< 1< 1112849
85< 1< 172341
90< 1< 141835
15< 19295482
20< 113376598
25< 1143868101
30< 1143868101
35< 1143868101
40< 1143868101
45< 113356394
50< 111315787
55< 18275178
60< 15224469
65< 1< 1173760
70< 1< 1133151
75< 1< 1102543
80< 1< 161936
85< 1< 1< 11529
90< 1< 1< 11124

Russian Twist Overview

A core-strengthening exercise that involves rotating the torso from side to side while sitting and holding a weight, targeting the oblique muscles.

Muscles Worked

Equipment Needed

Medicine Ball, Dumbbell (optional)

How To Perform the Russian Twist

  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat, holding a weight (e.g., a medicine ball) with both hands.
  2. Lean back slightly to create a V-shape between your torso and thighs, engaging your core.
  3. Lift your feet off the floor, balancing on your sit bones. Alternatively, keep your feet on the floor for added stability.
  4. Rotate your torso to the right, bringing the weight beside your hip.
  5. Rotate back to the starting position and then to the left, bringing the weight beside your left hip.
  6. Continue alternating sides in a controlled manner, focusing on using your core muscles to drive the movement.

Want to perfect your form? Check out our detailed guide on Russian Twist for proper technique and tips.

Pro Tips for Russian Twist

  • Keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the exercise to avoid strain.
  • Move slowly and deliberately to maximize muscle engagement and control.
  • If you're a beginner, keep your feet on the floor for added stability.
  • Breathe out as you rotate to each side and breathe in as you return to the center.

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Ready to Improve Your Russian Twist?

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