The plate front raise targets the anterior (Front) deltoids and all you need is a weight plate to perform this exercise. It’s challenging but it really isolates the front shoulder muscles effectively and it’s a great alternative to using dumbbells for the same movement.
You can do the plate front raise seated or standing but it’s best to keep the weight moderate for most lifters to ensure the safety of the shoulder joints. It’s also great as a finisher or you can use it in place of heavier compound movements to isolate the muscle in combination with other isolation exercises.
In this Exercise
- Target Muscle Group: Anterior Deltoid
- Type: Strength
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Equipment: Weight plate
- Difficulty: Beginner
Exercise Instructions
- Stand up straight and hold a weight plate with both hands at the 3 and 9 O’ clock positions, while resting the plate on your thighs.
- Raise the weight plate with your elbows slightly bent to head level and exhale.
- Hold for a couple of seconds.
- Return to starting position and inhale.
- Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Variations & Tips
- You can also use two small weight plates to perform the exercise.
- You can sit or stand to perform the plate front raise.
- Make sure your elbows are only slightly bent when you raise the plate to head level so you really stimulate the front delts.
- Do not use a lot of momentum to raise the weight but slight momentum is ok. You want to maintain proper form to protect your back and shoulders.
- Start with a light weight and increase in 5 or 10-pound increments if you want more resistance.