Lunge Strength Standards for Men and Women

Discover how your Lunge performance compares to others and set new strength goals. Use our calculator to find your level and get personalized improvement tips.

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Lunge Rep Standards

Compare your Lunge performance to these reps standards and see where you stand.

Beginner< 1

Lunge Standards by Bodyweight

Find the Lunge strength standards for your specific body weight.
110 lbs< 1104285136
120 lbs< 1114283131
130 lbs< 1114281126
140 lbs< 1124178121
150 lbs< 1124076117
160 lbs< 1123974113
170 lbs< 1123972109
180 lbs< 1123870106
190 lbs< 1123768103
200 lbs< 1123666100
210 lbs< 112366497
220 lbs< 112356394
230 lbs< 112346191
240 lbs< 112335989
250 lbs< 111325887
260 lbs< 111325784
270 lbs< 111315582
280 lbs< 111305480
290 lbs< 111305378
300 lbs< 110295176
310 lbs< 110285075
90 lbs< 19326297
100 lbs< 19326093
110 lbs< 110315889
120 lbs< 110315685
130 lbs< 110305482
140 lbs< 110295278
150 lbs< 110285175
160 lbs< 110284973
170 lbs< 110274770
180 lbs< 110264668
190 lbs< 110254465
200 lbs< 19244363
210 lbs< 19244261
220 lbs< 19234059
230 lbs< 19223957
240 lbs< 18223855
250 lbs< 18213754
260 lbs< 18203652

Lunge Standards by Age

Discover how Lunge strength standards vary across different age groups.
15< 17295993
20< 1113771111
25< 1113974114
30< 1113974114
35< 1113974114
40< 1113974114
45< 1103569107
50< 18326399
55< 15275689
60< 12224979
65< 1< 1174168
70< 1< 1133458
75< 1< 192749
80< 1< 162141
85< 1< 121634
90< 1< 1< 11228
15< 14214267
20< 19285380
25< 19295583
30< 19295583
35< 19295583
40< 19295583
45< 18265077
50< 16234671
55< 13194063
60< 1< 1153455
65< 1< 1112847
70< 1< 182240
75< 1< 141732
80< 1< 1< 11226
85< 1< 1< 1920
90< 1< 1< 1615

Lunge Overview

The lunge is a lower-body exercise targeting the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, enhancing balance, stability, and overall leg strength through a forward or backward stepping motion.

Muscles Worked

Equipment Needed


How To Perform the Lunge

  1. Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips or by your sides.
  2. Step forward with your right foot, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Your right knee should not extend past your toes, and your left knee should hover just above the ground.
  3. Push through your right heel to return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with the left leg stepping forward.
  5. Continue alternating legs for the desired number of repetitions.
  6. Breathing: Inhale as you step forward and lower your body, exhale as you push back to the starting position.

Want to perfect your form? Check out our detailed guide on Lunge for proper technique and tips.

Pro Tips for Lunge

  • Keep your torso upright throughout the exercise to engage your core.
  • Ensure your front knee does not extend past your toes to avoid knee strain.
  • Maintain a controlled motion; avoid rushing through the movement.
  • For beginners, start with bodyweight lunges before adding any resistance.

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Ready to Improve Your Lunge?

Use our strength calculator above to find your current level, then follow our tips to boost your performance! Calculate Your Strength Now