The Arnold Classic is just around the corner taking place February 29 through March 3 and James Hollingshead is preparing to take the stage. In a recent YouTube video, Hollingshead shared his bodybuilding cycle leading up to the event.
James Hollingshead is renowned for his remarkable physique and dedication to the sport. Hailing from the United Kingdom, Hollingshead has captivated audiences with his impressive muscularity and stage presence. Carrying the qualities of a mass monster with a tight waist, Hollingshead is always dangerous on stage.
Despite facing numerous challenges along the way, such as testing positive for COVID-19 during his prep for the 2021 Mr. Olympia, Hollingshead persevered and still managed to take the stage. Despite his confidence that he would be able to beat former champion Brandon Curry, Hollingshead placed 12th.
James Hollingshead considered hanging it all up despite being at the peak of his career, however, instead of calling it quits, he decided to push forward. His determination was evident as he crushed demanding workouts, showcasing an impressive physique update during the 2022 off-season. Moreover, he left fans stunned by his incredible strength, squatting 750 pounds for three reps during a rigorous leg day session.
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Ahead of the 2022 Arnold Classic UK, he mesmerized the audience with his chiseled appearance, ultimately claiming third place just behind Patrick Johnson and champion Andrew Jacked. Undeterred, Hollingshead bounced back triumphantly, clinching gold at the 2022 Tsunami Cup. Hollingshead would end his season outside of the top 15 at the 2022 Olympia.
James Hollingshead Breaks Down His Cycle Heading Into The 2024 Arnold Classic
Now, James Hollingshead prepares to take the stage at the 2024 Arnold Classic from February 29 to March 3 in Columbus, Ohio, where he intends to beat the reigning champion Samson Dauda. Maintaining complete transparency, James Hollingshead shared with fans his entire breakdown of what gear he used throughout the stages of his prep.
“Let’s talk about gear quickly because I know you guys are interested in that. You know I’m not going to hide from you that I have to take stuff and for as long as I can remember in this prep, I actually started my prep at a higher testosterone than I am now. I remember in the beginning of preparations was something like 750 testosterone a week.”
Hollingshead has had some trial and error when getting the right formulation of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) for his Arnold Classic prep.
“I was using some Nandrolone and I actually had some psychological issues with that. It was making me feel very depressed. I think I was using 400 and I felt, I won’t lie, I felt almost suicidal. I was like shit this is, this is awful and I felt really negative so that compound out the window.
I wouldn’t suggest it to anyone. I think it’s diabolical when it makes you feel awful so was a change I made. I switched over to some Masteron in place of that because I know that is something I already can cope with” Hollingshead revealed.
Since then, Hollingshead explains how he has adjusted his cycle to accommodate his needs for the rapidly approaching event.
“All that’s happened as prep has gone on is you’ve just introduced certain factors like Clenbuterol. Right now I’m taking 60 MCG of Clenbuterol a day. Started at 20, built up to 60 over the period of the weeks. T3 at 25 micrograms and T4 150 micrograms.
“This is just again, just to help with keeping metabolically in check and thyroid in a good place. Obviously I take growth hormone as well and I normally take two units A.M. and P.M. and as the preps progressed I increase that to two units three times a day and right now I’m at two units four times a day so it’s eight units a day.”
Hollingshead gives a disclaimer that when taking these types of steroids, it is best to keep in mind the toll it is taking on the thyroid and take proper precautions to prevent any negative effects.
“Having things like that present is when you need to be aware of having perhaps thyroid medication present just to prevent some issues that can occur with that.”
While Holingshead discusses the use of insulin, he emphasizes that he personally believes the body doesn’t appear as defined when using it. This belief is why he chooses to stay away from insulin. Hollingshead also reveals that he would rather have great conditioning over mass.
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“Insulin has not been really used I don’t really rate it, I always have this conversation with like Yanika about it, and we agree that the people that use insulin their muscles just don’t look the same. They’re full, they’re volumized but it’s just a lack of detail and hardness that just isn’t there and I don’t want to come into a show just big. I’d rather be in crazy condition even if it costs me a little bit of size cause bodybuilding for me is about being in condition.”
“I’ve seen friends of mine compete with the insulin and without and I always think they look better without in regards to condition and thats just my opinion. So that hasn’t been used much at all, that’s something maybe sporatically might use a little bit on a day where I’m trying to fill up cause I’m extremely flat but I don’t like to make it a regular thing because I really do think it blunts my ability to get shredded.”
Then, the 34-year-old goes into detail about what peptides he takes and how much he uses throughout his prep.
“Obviously I work with Biolabs which is great company for peptides and I used like not even peptides just peptides I used the L-Carnitine, they’ve been introduced in the past few weeks, 200 MCG of L-carnitine in the A.M. before cardio, and 5 MG of the Yohimbe.”
“For the prep you know, the amount of things I use at the beginning are very small and as you get closer you start to introduce them and you just like kind of stagger more things in. That way you just don’t run out of options, you know if you hit a wall, you get a little bit stuck, condition starts to stick, instead of having to pull my calories down even more, which is not healthy for a body in my opinion, I’d rather introduce a little something that could assist with fat loss. Again, just my approach.”
As for right now, just a little over a week from the 2024 Arnold Classic, Hollingshead shares the dosage of the steroids he is taking leading up to the show.
“Gear wise in minute, Parabolin which is Tren Hex 50 MG per day so that 350 MG per week. That’s probably a little bit high, you could go lower than that, I wouldn’t even recommend going that high. Testoterone is about 50 MG a day so roughly the same. Masteron is 100 MG and Primo is 100 MG per day so 700 and 700 and that’s my injectable gear, that’s what I take on that.”
“Pre-training I might take methyl MST which is, I don’t actually know the fucking compounders in that, but it is something I’ve used most preps.”
Hollingshead defends the fact that he takes a lot of PEDs reminding his fans of the stakes involved. If he can win, he has the opportunity to earn $300,000 and believes the rewards outweigh the risks.
“I got a show in a few weeks that if you win, you win 300K, way up guys you know what I mean? If this is like some local regional show would I be doing some of things I do? Probably not because there’s no money to win.”
“Shows now, the Olympia is 400K, the Arnold’s 300K, the fucking UK Arnold’s 130K like if you were to someone to be able to win those shows look how much money you can make a year just winning those shows so there are obviously going to be some risk taken by everyone.”
Hollingshead didn’t shy away from talking about his use of PEDs despite the negative attention they’ve received in the fitness industry as of late. Bodybuilding greats like Rich Gaspari are calling out young lifters for using dangerous amounts of gear to get big and expressed concern for the harmful impacts they can have on health.
Regardless of what stance fans take on steroids, Hollingshead remains open and honest about how he achieves his incredible physique. With fellow contenders like Samson Dauda, former Mr. Olympia Hadi Choopan, and many others waiting in the wings, Hollingshead knows he has to play all his cards just right if he plans to take the win at the 2024 Arnold Classic.
To watch James Hollingshead’s full video, click the link below:
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