If you were to make a list of Hollywood A-listers with the most aesthetic physiques, Jason Statham would probably be in the Top 5. Unlike his colleagues, Statham has maintained his ripped physique for most of his career.
Jason’s shirtless scenes from Transporter and Death Race probably sold more tickets than the movies’ storyline. On top of that, Statham’s chiseled physique has made him Hollywood’s go-to badass.
A big action movie hitting your neighborhood theater? You will probably find Jason Statham starring in it. The time is not far when the Oxford dictionary adds “Statham” as a synonym for “action”.
Fun Fact: Jay was a member of Britain’s national diving team and competed for England in the 1990 Commonwealth Games.
Jason Statham Stats
Full Name: Jason Statham | ||
Nickname | Weight | Height |
The Stath | 185lbs (84kg) | 5’10” (177cm) |
Age | Date of Birth | Birthplace |
57 years | 12 September 1967 | Shirebrook, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom |
Arms | Chest | Waist |
16 Inches | 46 Inches | 34 Inches |
The Jason Statham Story

Statham had humble beginnings following in his father’s footsteps as a street seller to make ends meet. Jay’s fortunes took a turn for the better when he was spotted by a sports promotion agency specializing in sports modeling while he was training at London’s Crystal Palace National Sports Centre.
Jason Statham was introduced to emerging director Guy Ritchie while modeling for French Connection (FCUK). Jay happened to be at the right spot at the right time as the fledging director needed to fill the role of a street-wise con artist.
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After learning about Statham’s past, Ritchie offered him the role that he gladly accepted. And rest, as they say, is history.
Since then, Statham has starred in some of the biggest action movies of all time like The Fast & Furious franchise, The Mechanic, Expendables, The Italian Job, and Snatch.
Trivia: Jason Statham was paid UK £5,000 for his first movie, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
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Jason Statham Nutrition Program
Jay’s trainer, Logan Hood, revealed that he ate up to six meals a day at 2-3 hour intervals while preparing for some of his most physically demanding movies like Transporter. According to him, eating such small meals helped stabilize the actor’s blood sugar levels and made his metabolism more efficient.
Jason Statham’s diet has three main goals:
- Preserve lean muscle mass.
- Boost metabolism.
- Keep him as fit and athletic as possible to star in his next action film.
Also Read: A Complete Guide to Understanding Thermic Foods: Eat to Rev Up Your Metabolism!
Jason Statham’s Dieting Principles
The principles that help Jay maintain his shredded physique year-around:
- 95% of the food he consumes is “good.”
- He consumes sugary or starchy food during the day so that he can burn off the excess calories before he hits the sack.
- Jason stays away from fried food and carbonated drinks.
- Jay drinks at least three liters of water every day.
- He does not like to eat with people because we tend to overeat in social settings.
Jason Statham Diet Regimen
To maintain his low body fat percentage, the Wrath of Man star eats up to 2000 calories every day. He also does not eat anything after 7 pm. Here is Jay’s diet program:
Related: Body Fat Calculator: Find Your Body Fat Percentage
Meal 1 – Breakfast:
- 4 whole egg omelet: Jay does not throw away the yellows. He does not mind a few extra calories from the yolk.
- 100 grams of oats: Oats in the morning provide him with the carbs he needs to get him through the day. They are also rich in fibers and minerals.
- Seasonal fruits: Jason makes sure he has at least one seasonal fruit for breakfast. Not only are they delicious, but a great source of antioxidants.
Meal 2 – Lunch:
- 150-200 grams of boiled chicken breast: If you are into the fitness lifestyle, you would not be surprised to find chicken breast on the list.
- 100 grams of rice: Chicken breast and rice are a match made in heaven.
- Steamed vegetables: Cooked vegetables supply more antioxidants, including beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene, than they do when raw.
Meal 3 – Snack:
- A bowl of nuts and seasonal fruits: For a person who usually eats four meals a day, a bowl of nuts and fruits can provide a solid punch of fats, fiber, vitamins, and protein.
Meal 4 – Dinner:
- 200 grams of lean beef: Jason gets his last and biggest protein load from lean beef.
- Salad: Wondering why you should be eating a salad? Here is why:
- Improves digestion
- Good for eyes
- Helps you sleep
- Rich in fiber
- Helps in weight loss
- Boosts immune system
- Strengthens muscles
- Miso soup: According to Jason Statham, “there’s nothing better than” a hot bowl of miso soup. The reason behind his choice is its essential minerals and a good source of various B vitamins, vitamins E, K, and folic acid. As a fermented food, miso provides the gut with beneficial bacteria that help us to stay healthy, vibrant, and happy.
Also Check Out:
- Daniel Craig James Bond 007 Workout and Diet Program
- The Rock’s Secret Diet & Training Program To Get You Jacked
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- Wolverine Workout Program – Get Ripped Like Hugh Jackman in 8 Weeks
- Mark Wahlberg’s Diet Workout Plan
- Sylvester Stallone Rocky Diet and Workout Plan
Here are the must-have for everyone who lift:
- Pre-Workouts
- Multivitamins
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D3
- DHA Fish Oil
- Alpha Brain
- Glucosamine Chondroitin
- Creatine
- Whey Protein
Jason Statham Workout Principles
Statham sticks to the following training principles to remain in peak conditioning:
1. Never Repeat a Workout
Jay reportedly never does the same workout twice. He gets bored easily and believes that it is one of the biggest motivation killers in a training routine. The Snatch actor maintains a long list of exercises and then mixes them up every day to keep his workouts exciting.
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2. Work on Your Mobility
Jason Statham’s workout is not limited to lifting heavy. Since Statham performs most of his stunts himself, his workouts focus on improving his mobility, agility, and range of motion.
3. Always Have a Workout Goal
Most people find a workout program and make the mistake of thinking that sticking to the regimen is the end goal. Instead of “complete the 12-week gaining program“, your goals should look like “lose 5lbs in two weeks” or “shoulder press 10lbs more by Saturday.”
4. Do Shorter But More Intense Workouts
Jason Statham is not a fan of spending 1.5 hours in the gym. He likes keeping his rest durations between sets short and does not spend more than 30-40 minutes inside the weight room.
Related: What Is Muscular Endurance and Exercises To Improve It
Jason Statham Workout Program
Unlike Jay’s movies, his workouts are constantly evolving and do not lack variety (ouch!).
Logan Hood, an Ex-Navy SEAL, is the man behind Jason Statham’s workout routine. He started working with Jay in 2008 while the actor was prepping for Death Race. Hood has also worked with Hollywood A-listers like Zac Efron and Liam Hemsworth.
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Jason Statham Training Routine
As we said earlier, Statham does not follow a set workout program. The training regimen below gives a glimpse into the actor’s broader regimen:
Monday – Pyramid Workout
1. Warm-Up: Rowing Machine-10 mins (warm-up at 20 strokes/min)
2. Pushup: 7 sets of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 reps
3. Pull-Up: 7 sets of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 reps
4. Bodyweight Squat: 7 sets of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 reps
5. Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 7 sets of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 reps
6. Hanging Knee Raise: 7 sets of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 reps
7. Cool Down: Rowing Machine: 10 mins (cool down at 20 strokes/min)
For the first workout of the week, Jay uses the pyramiding technique for each exercise. You start by doing 1 rep of a set and then progress to 2 reps. Then 3 and so on.
Read also: Developing Strength With The Powerlifting Bench Pyramid Program (Spreadsheet)
Tuesday – Static & Big 5 55 Workout
Static Session
1. Warm-Up: Rowing Machine-10 mins (warm-up at 20 strokes/min)
2. Flat Bench Press: 4 sets of 10 reps
3. Shoulder Military Press: 4 sets of 10 reps
4. Dumbbell Chest Fly: 4 sets of 10 reps
5. Dumbbell Tricep Pressdown: 4 sets of 10 reps
6. Bar Dip: 4 sets of 10 reps
7. Kettlebell Farmer Hold: 4 sets of 10 reps
8. Bodyweight Squat and Hold: 4 sets of 10 reps
9. Cool Down: Rowing Machine-10 mins (cool down at 20 strokes/min)
During the last set of each exercise, hold the weight at the top of the movement for 30 seconds before racking it.
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Big 5 55 Session
1. Weighted Front Squat: 10 sets of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
2. Pull-up: 10 sets of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
3. Wide Grip Pushup: 10 sets of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
4. Power Clean: 10 sets of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
5. Knee to Elbow (Bring your knees to your elbows on a pullup bar and hold): 10 sets of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
“Big 5 55 Workout” Circuit: For these exercises, Jason Statham performs five different exercises. At the end of the 10 reps, you would have done 55 reps of each exercise.
Wednesday – Interval Training – Rowing & Boxing
1. Rowing Machine: Warm-up 2000 meters @ 15-20 SPM (strokes per minute)
2. 6 intervals of rowing/active rest
(a) Rowing: 500 meters
(b) Active rest: 5 sets of 3 mins (walk around your gym/home)
3. Boxing: Cardio Workout:
(a) Shadowboxing Warm-Up
(b) Lunges for Legs Warm-Up
4. Five 3-minute intervals of punching/kicking vs. padded target
(a) 2-minute session vs. a heavy bag: 3 rounds
(b) 3-minute session vs. speed bag: 1 round
5. Kettlebell Farmer Hold: 3 sets (Carry an object 500 yards as quickly as possible)
The Jason Statham workouts are not limited to lifting weights. The rowing and boxing interval training session will help melt off your body fat. Make sure you are keeping your training intensity high throughout the workout program. If you are not running on fumes by the end of the workout, know that you did not push yourself hard enough.
Thursday – Lower Body & Push-Up
1. Rowing Warm-up: 2000 meters
2. Bodyweight Squat: 20 reps
3. Weighted Front Squat: 5 sets of 5 reps, 90-sec rest (Use a weight that is 110% of your body weight)
4. Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 4 sets of 1 rep @ 130%, 140%, 160%, 180%, of your body weight, 3-min rest
5. Reverse Crunches: 5 sets 20 reps
6. Cooldown: 200 Pushups (Ladder routines, sets of x15, x20, x25, x20, x15)
Jason Statham is a huge advocate of warming up before workouts and cooling down post-training. Not only do these techniques lower your chances of getting injured during training, but they are also great ways of priming your muscles for your workouts.
Friday – Cumulative Routine
1. Warm-Up:
(a) Rope Climb: 5 sets
(b) Bear Crawl: 5 sets of 20 yards
(c) Crab Walk: 5 sets of 20 yards
2. Workout
(a) Front Squat: 1 set of 5 reps @ 120% body weight
(b) Medicine Ball Slam: 1 set of 5 reps
(c) Rope Pull: 1 set of 5 reps
(d) Flat Bench Press: 1 set of 10 reps
(e) Medicine Ball Slam: 1 set of 10 reps
(f) Pull-up: 1 set of 15 reps
(g) Medicine Ball Slam: 1 set of 10 reps
(h) Bar Dips: 1 set of 15 reps
(i) Medicine Ball Slam: 1 set of 15 reps
(j) Rope Pull: 1 set of 20 reps
(k) Medicine Ball Slam: 1 set of 20 reps
As you get stronger, make sure that you are switching up the number of reps and sets of each exercise. Perform a higher number of reps and sets as you gain more experience to shock your muscles into growing.
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Saturday & Sunday – Rest Day
Statham follows a five-day training routine. Although you will not be hitting weights on the weekend, this does not give you the permit to turn into a couch potato. On your rest days, perform at least 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio. It will keep your metabolism kicking and will ensure you are not storing excess body fat.
Next Read: HIIT vs. LISS Cardio: Which One Is Best for Fitness and Fat Loss?
Jason Statham’s chiseled physique is the result of years of hard work and dedication. Although his diet regimen stays the same for most of the year, he tackles specific exercise programs based on a wide variety of both internal and external factors. Anything from his sleeping patterns to pending roles can cause a change in his current workout routine.
Do not expect to get comfortable on the Jason Statham transformation program. If Jay’s diet and training routine start feeling easy, know that you are doing something wrong.
Featured and other images courtesy of Jason Statham’s Instagram @jasonstatham