Justin Woltering is an American fitness expert, author, model and actor. Having spent a long time training to get better, Woltering has established himself as one of the most sought after fitness consultants in the industry. This is his complete profile, diet and workout routine as well as statistics.
Justin Woltering Statistics
Full Name: Justin Woltering | ||
Weight | Height | Age |
95 kg (210 lbs) | 6’-3” (190.5 cm) | 40 years |
Date of Birth | Birthplace | Nationality |
March 9, 1985 | New York | American |
Justin Woltering Biography
Woltering was a huge admirer of fitness icons like Bruce Lee and Arnold Schwarzenegger while growing up. The inspiration from legends like them and the guidance from his bodybuilder father helped Justin Woltering take his first steps into the fitness industry. He first started with training Isshuryu Karate and later combined them with Jeet Kune Do and Muay Thai.
When an illness side-tracked his progress during the adolescent years, Woltering learned crucial lessons about life and made fitness the primary focus of his personal well-being and as the means of helping others. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business management and has authored several books. He has led successful careers in modelling, fitness consultation as well as personal training.
Justin Woltering Workout Routine
Woltering’s wife and daughter are the source of motivation for him to stay in shape and get better. He has a specific set of goals and has to keep putting in work until he reaches them.
Woltering does not go with the traditional body part splits like chest, arms, back etc. Rather, he has found a perfect routine for himself that achieves a balance between hypertrophy and strength gain. Woltering recommends this split to all his clients as well. So what is this split exactly? It’s pretty simple. Two days for upper body training and two days for lower body training. Each session has one particular lift that is the focus of the entire workout. Woltering attacks that main lift like a man possessed to make most of the strength and muscle gain. Other exercises in the routine help fill up the remaining gaps.
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Justin Woltering insists that you can get bigger and stronger with this training method if you add more reps, sets and most importantly, heavier weights.
Typically, Justin Woltering’s training week looks like this:
Day 1 – Squats and Lower Body Workout
Woltering starts his training week with this lower body workout. Since squat is the main lift of the day, he works it to death. After getting a few warm-up sets in, the 38-year-old works his way to the top set of 2 to 4 reps. He then does three sets with 4 to 8, 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 reps each, shaving the weight off a little bit for each consecutive set. However, Woltering insists that the last rep of every set has to be the absolute failure rep, meaning you should not be able to complete even one more rep in that set. So, choosing the right weight for every set is the key here. This rep range and number of sets is the theme for the main lift of every training session.
Other exercises in the lower body workout include leg curls, leg press, calf raises and weighted sit-ups. Woltering suggests going after a full range of motion for the leg press. The weight should be held behind the head during weighted sit-ups. Make pain your ally while doing the standing calf raises and use as heavy weight as you possibly can.
Overall, the lower body workout includes:
- Barbell Squats – Warm-up sets, Top set of 2 to 4 reps, 3 sets of 4 to 8, 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 reps
- Leg Curls – 4 sets of 15 reps to near failure
- Leg Press – 4 sets of 15 reps to near failure
- Weighted Sit-Ups – 4 sets of 10 reps
- Standing Calf Raises – 4 sets of 20 reps
Day 2 – Bench Press and Upper Body Workout
Since bench press is the main lift of this training day, Woltering follows the same method that he used for doing the main lift in the previous training session – Top set of 2 to 4 followed by three sets of 4 to 8, 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 reps with lower and lower weights.
The second upper body exercise in this workout is the weighted close-grip pull-up. Woltering advises to use as heavy a weight as possible to do this exercise. You don’t necessarily have to go all the way up and it’s okay to pull high enough for the eyes to be aligned with the bar. However, it is necessary to get a full stretch at the bottom of the rep.
For the incline dumbbell bench press, the 38-year-old insists on using the same weights in each set. It’s perfectly alright if you reach failure at the eighth or ninth rep in the last two sets.
Finally, the training session ends with an antagonistic superset of dumbbell curls and triceps rope pushdowns. The rest periods between two consecutive sets have to be absolutely minimal. Therefore, Woltering advises carrying the dumbbells to the cable machine so that you don’t lose time between sets. Performing a superset increases overall aerobic intensity of the training session and helps get more work done in a shorter period of time.
Overall, the upper body workout includes:
- Bench Press – Warm-up sets, Top set of 2 to 4 reps, 3 sets of 4 to 8, 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 reps
- Weighted Close-grip Pull-ups – 4 sets of 8 reps
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press – 4 sets of 10 reps to near failure
- Bent Over Dumbbell Rows – 2 sets of 20 reps per arm
- Superset – Dumbbell Curls and Triceps Rope Pushdowns – 4 sets of 15 reps for each exercise
Day 3 – Deadlift and Lower Body Workout
The main lift of this training session – the conventional deadlift – follows a similar rep range and set pattern to the main lifts of other training sessions. Woltering insists on not missing a rep as long as possible.
“A little lower back rounding is okay, but don’t give yourself Hernia trying to handle more weight than you’re really capable of…” Justin Woltering advises.
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Although it is a lower body training session, Woltering throws barbell rows in there because he feels you can never really train the upper back too much. Hack squats, second compound lower body movement, can be felt in the knees a little. Woltering says using knee wraps is wise if hack squat aggravates them. Doing this exercise with controlled form and a full range of motion is of utmost importance for Justin Woltering.
For calf work, Woltering swaps the standing calf raises with seated calf raises in this training session. While the standing calf raises work the gastrocnemius muscle in the calves, the seated variation works the soleus muscle that lies underneath it. Woltering advises to hold the stretch for a couple of seconds during each rep.
Overall, the workout includes:
- Deadlifts – Warm-up sets, Top set of 2 to 4 reps, 3 sets of 4 to 8, 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 reps
- Barbell Rows – 4 sets of 12 reps to failure
- Hack Squats – 4 sets of 15 reps to near failure
- Standing Pulldown Crunches – 4 sets of 20 reps to near failure
- Seated Calf Raises – 4 sets of 30 reps to near failure
Day 4 – Overhead Press and Upper Body Workout
Standing military press is the main lift of this final training session of the week. Justin Woltering warns against using the leg drive because it is strictly a military press and not a push press. The training session uses a few body weight movements and weighted wide grip pull-up is the next one in the queue. The rules for doing this exercise are similar to the ones followed for close-grip pull-ups. No need to go all the way up as long as your eyes are at the level of the bar but make sure to get a good stretch at the bottom of the rep.
For the next exercise, weighted dips, Woltering uses the same principles that are used for the main lifts. However, the rep range is a bit higher. He works up to the top set of 4 to 6 reps and follows it up with three sets of 6 to 8, 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 reps.
Machine rows follow dips and Woltering prefers doing the exercise on a plate-loaded machine rather than a selectorized one. Why? He did not explain. However, as you progress in your fitness journey, you tend to grow out of the weights on the selectorized machine. On the other hand, plate-loaded machines can load a lot more weight. So it is possible to challenge the muscles with heavier weights on plate-loaded machines.
A superset consisting of dumbbell hammer curls and v-bar pushdowns finishes the training session. The rep range and sets are similar to the superset that finishes the previous upper body workout.
Overall, the upper body workout includes:
- Standing Military Press – Warm-up sets, Top set of 2 to 4 reps, 3 sets of 4 to 8, 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 reps
- Weighted Wide-grip Pull-ups – 4 sets of 8 reps
- Dips – Warm-up sets, Top set of 4 to 6 reps, 3 sets of 6 to 8, 8 to 10 and 10 to 12 reps
- Machine Rows – 4 sets of 15 reps
- Superset – V-bar Pushdowns and Dumbbell Hammer Curls – 4 sets of 15 reps for each exercise
Justin Woltering Diet
Justin Woltering likes to stay far away from dietary trends that demonise particular nutrients and make them overly restrictive. He does not buy into the idea of ‘healthy fats’ and ‘unhealthy fats’. Fat is one of the most essential macronutrients and plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy hormone levels. Woltering feels that a large number of individuals in the fitness industry still don’t understand its importance. He firmly believes that even saturated fats that are sourced properly can do absolute wonders for your health.
Woltering has a similar opinion about cholesterol as well and does not like the fact that it has been demonised and blamed for heart issues. According to him, dietary cholesterol has nothing to do with elevated cholesterol levels in the body. It is caused by other factors like sugar and starch consumption.
“Want to feel great, lose fat and gain muscle? Eat you beef and eggs,” Justin Woltering advises.
To get sufficient amounts of saturated fats along with protein and other essential nutrients, Justin Woltering suggests starting with perceived unhealthy options like fatty cuts of steak, whole eggs, chicken and even pork. Beef fat from corn-fed cows tends to be problematic. Therefore the American fitness expert prefers consuming grass-fed beef as it contains healthy fats.
Justin Woltering does recommend using fats as the primary source of energy instead of carbohydrates.
“Aside from their positive effects on hormone levels, all these fats are fantastic for energy. Forget the nonsense about carbohydrates being the best form of sustained energy,” Justin Woltering says.
He feels that fats provide a smooth and continuous flow of energy and can be an amazing way to add clean calories to muscle building diets.
“Once you get accustomed to a higher fat and lower carb intake, you’ll wonder how you ever lived differently,” Justin Woltering says.
Justin Woltering uses dietary supplements to meet the nutritional requirements. He is a sponsored athlete and uses supplements like whey protein and mass gainer when he is packing muscles.